Okay, so I’m not really going big game hunting, though it would probably be easier than getting the boys to sleep.
A few months ago, George started waking up sobbing. When I’d ask him what was wrong, he’d tell me that he was scared of the rhino in his room. Patrick jumped on the bandwagon and started to tell me about hippos in their room (though he never woke up scared, so I think he was just trying to get some attention). Needless to say, our nights began to get a bit “zoo-y.”
Over the past few months, we’ve tried everything to rid ourselves of these pesky rhinos. We’ve prayed, we’ve sprayed “Rhino Repellent,” we’ve yelled “Go back to the zoo, rhino!” For a short while, the rhino seemed to have gone away. However, the last two nights, our rhino infestation has begun again.
Here’s where I have a problem: there’s a fine line between genuine fear and nearly-three-year-old manipulation. How can I be a sensitive, supportive mom without becoming a pushover when it comes to bed time? I think this is one of those times I need to trust my MomSense and go with my gut: I think my boy is scared and needs extra love right now.
So far, we’ve got nothing that is consistently working. Each night we tackle our rhino issues in a different way. Last night, George slept with my pillow and I slept with his. Tonight, we sprayed a room spray and called it “keep away rhino spray.” Tomorrow night, who knows?
But there is one thing I do know. This time of “rhino hunting” will not be in vain. If nothing else, I want my boys to know that no matter when they’re scared and no matter what they’re scared of, they can always call on Jesus.
One of my closest friends shared the following verse with me as we’ve been going through this:
In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8
I pray that long after the rhinos have left, my boys will remember they are safe in the Lord.
Profoundly beautiful!