Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lessons from the Pool

At the pool today, I watched my friend’s son run around, completely carefree. As he was running, he spotted a discarded watering can and quickly picked it up and started playing with it. Within minutes, seconds really, a mom came over and took the watering can out of his hands and promptly gave it back to her daughter who had been, quite contently, playing with a different toy.

Though my friend’s son didn’t seem to mind, I started to fume a little. “Is this really the world we live in that instead of teaching selflessness, we’re teaching our children selfishness?” I thought. “Even had the little girl shed a few tears, what a great time to teach her that we share what we have.”  I stood there for a bit being pretty judgmental, thinking about what a brat the little girl would probably end up being since she obviously was handed everything.

A few hours later, as I played the scene over in my head, the Lord gently reminded me of the plank I have in my own eye (Matthew 7:3-5) “What things are you holding onto? Where are you selfish?” I felt him asking me. A list instantly came to mind:

My house. I have a small, but happy, home that I could easily invite people into. Yet, rarely do we have friends over. I use the excuse that I’m and extrovert and enjoy “getting out,” but my guess is that others enjoy getting out too.
My money. Sure, we tithe, but could I be giving more? Do I really need another dress, even though it was on clearance? Do I need to get coffee out when I have a perfectly good coffee maker at home?
My time. This is the biggest one. How often do I choose selfish ways to spend my time (TV, anyone?) instead of caring for my family or loving on my neighbors? I use the excuse “Well, I do so much during the day, I deserve a little rest in the evening.” While rest is good and important, do I really need 3 hours of down time?

Quietly, the Lord whispered to my heart, “How many times have you taken something from my hands to use your own way?”  Here I was, judging a woman I’d never even met, when in reality, I am a perfect example of how to live a selfish life. I expect things from my own children (you better share that truck!) and random women at the pool, that I’m not even willing to do. Instead of just demanding selflessness, maybe I need to start actually living it. What better way to teach my children selflessness than to act it out daily.

Lord, teach me to be selfless. Teach me to hold nothing back and to give everything I have. Let me go to bed tired every night because I have served you by serving others. Let me be the hands and feet of Jesus. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great post....very convicting. Thanks for sharing
